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Control your phone

By Luke Stehr | October 5, 2022
Control Your Phone

Technology is an amazing tool, but do you control your phone? Even just twenty years ago, I think we would be amazed at the powerful computer, telephone, MP3 player, and more that’s become the all-in-one smart phone. What an incredible tool our smart phones are! However, it can become all too easy for our smart…

Tips for Leading Your Peers

By Tanner Watson | October 5, 2022
Tips for Leading Your Peers

Howdy! Junior High, High School, and College are all unique places where the number of leadership opportunities is insurmountable.  Further, most of the leadership opportunities available are among peers.  This presents something of an interesting situation because leading one’s peers is not always the easiest thing to do.  So, here is a list of tips…

God uses the unqualified.

By Tara Tomes | October 4, 2022
God uses the unqualified

Growing up I would look at other people and how gifted they were, whether it was their singing, speaking, or artistic abilities, and wish I was gifted like that. It’s easy to compare someone’s gifts or journey to your own. It’s our human nature. I didn’t think God uses the unqualified. Throughout my life, I was…

Cooperation not competition.

By Chelsea Judkins | October 4, 2022
Cooperation Not Competition

In the movie Mean Girls, Cady is new to public school. There’s a great scene where her two new friends give her a tour of the cafeteria pointing out all of the very specific cliques, including groups like Varsity Jocks, Preps, Burnouts, and Desperate Wannabes. They end the tour at their own table and refer…

Play is serious learning.

By Nanette Johnson | October 4, 2022
Play is Serous Learning

I grew up watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood on our black and white TV. At that time, I had no idea that he was advocating for children through media. I just knew he was kind and I related with the way he shared life. So now, fast forward several decades from the years of Mr. Roger’s…

A Seed Planted Will Grow

By Preschool Ministry | October 1, 2022
A Seed Planted

I was raised in a Christian home and attended church regularly. My mother has told me that when I was an infant our pastor, Pastor Steck, was the first person outside of family to hold me.  When I made the decision to ask Jesus into my heart at age 8 I vividly remember being so…

We are all seeking answers.

By Brian Sepulveda | September 29, 2022
We all seek answers.

We are all seeking answers. Recently I met a young man outside our office building who was wanting someone to pray for him.  He was probably in his mid 20’s.  During our conversation, he shared some life circumstances and “drama” he was going through personally, in his family and health wise with a close family…

I’m Brian.

By Brian Sepulveda | September 29, 2022

Greetings!  I’m Brian Sepulveda and I humbly serve as the Minister of Activities and Traditionals Care here at First Baptist.  My wife, Lisa, and I will be celebrating our 33rd wedding anniversary this December.  We were high school sweethearts and November of this year will be the 38th anniversary of our very first date…an Arlington…

We need each other.

By Luke Stehr | September 29, 2022
Like trees, we need each other.

We need each other. I read a fair amount of books. Typically, I read theology or analyses of Western culture or missiology, but when my brain wants a break, I read about ecology, ornithology, or some other biological science. Fun, right? Currently, I’m reading a book called Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, and it’s about…