Dr. Dennis R. Wiles
Jimtown Baptist Church, Jimtown, Oklahoma
FBC Mertens, Mertens, Texas
Southside Baptist Church, Tyler, Texas
Calvary Baptist Church, Garland, Texas
FBC Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama
FBC Arlington, Arlington, Texas
-Adjunct Proffesor, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, Texas (2004-2013)
-Faculty Member, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
-Regent, Baylor University (Current)
-Board Member, Restore Hope (Current)
-Led Missions Teams to Mexico, Spain, Morocco, Costa Rica, Belize, The Gambia, Ghana, Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Niger, and Kenya.
-Launched Global Connection Partnership Network (GCPN) - church-based network that assists churches in training and sending workers to live cross-culturally in long-term mission settings. GCPN is now known as Restore Hope. Cindy Wiles is the co-founder and has served as the only Executive Director.
Birmingham, Alabama
B.A., Psychology, University of Alabama in Birmingham
Graduate School:
M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph. D., Church History, Southwest Seminary

Dr. Wiles was born in Birmingham, Alabama to Marvin and Naomi Wiles. He is the youngest of four children and he was blessed to have been reared in a loving, Christian home.
He came to know Christ personally as a senior in high school. Dr. Wiles was a three-sport athlete in high school and has enjoyed a life-long love with athletics. He received an academic scholarship to The University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) where he met Cindy Falkner whom he would marry after graduation.
Originally Dr. Wiles and Cindy were on track to pursue careers in medicine. Cindy was preparing for Physical Therapy School, while he was preparing for Medical School. However, they both discerned their own call to ministry towards the end of their college experience. Consequently, after their wedding, they moved to Ft. Worth to attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dr. Wiles earned both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Philosophy at Southwestern Seminary. His PhD is in the field of Church History with a concentration in American Christianity.
Dr. Wiles began his pastoral ministry at Jimtown Baptist Church in Jimtown, Oklahoma. He also has served as pastor of First Baptist Church of Mertens, Texas, Southside Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas, Calvary Baptist Church in Garland, Texas, and First Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. In August of 2001, he was called to be our Senior Pastor here at First Baptist Arlington.
Together, Cindy and Dr. Wiles have led churches to answer the call of The Great Commission. They have led numerous mission teams across the world. They established a new church-based mission sending ministry known as Restore Hope in 2006. Cindy is the Executive Director of Restore Hope and Dr. Wiles serves on the Board of Directors. Through Restore Hope, numerous churches have missionaries serving in various places around the globe.
Cindy and Dr. Wiles have two children and five grandchildren.