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Traditions and Memories

Traditions and Memories To say that I rarely get on Facebook would be a major understatement. I share an account with my wife Lori in name only. She is the one that checks Facebook and lets me know about what people are posting. Every now and then I will look on Facebook and see for…

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Starting a New Workout Regimen

It’s a new year, and with the new year comes the common motto, “New Year, new me!” Beginning is exciting and it almost feels like you get the chance to start over and have fresh start. The most common resolution is getting healthy in the new year. Usually, these resolutions die off within the first…

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What Are We Without Our Volunteers?

Howdy!  If you have ever attended any kind of service or event at First Baptist Arlington, I would say there is a 100% chance that you were served in some way by a volunteer.  The person who greeted you at the door, sang to you from the stage, told you where to park, ran slides…

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Gift Giving

Gift Giving

We spend a lot of time during the Christmas Season thinking about gifts and gift giving. Giving just the right gift takes thought. How well you know the person greatly informs the choosing process. And then your personality colors the way you choose as well. Depending on your personality, some people may find gift-giving stressful…

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Traditions are Important

Traditions are Important

When I think back to my childhood years, there were some things that I feel have just always been. God, His love, and The Bible are obvious. But there is one more you may have missed as an “always has been” and that would be Musicals, of course! I grew up with musicals like: Fiddler…

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