There's something for everyone. Look around.

5 Tips on Finding a Church In College

Whether you’re off to college for your first semester this fall or returning, finding a church can be a challenge. If you grew up going to one or two churches, odds are you weren’t the one making the primary decision on where you were going. Now that the decision is in your hands, what do…

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Teaching Your Preschooler The Bible

It’s summer time, and that means VBS and summer camps galore for families here in Texas!  In fact, we just wrapped up the sweetest and most amazing week here at FBCA called Kinder Bible School.  It is a week we plan for most of the year, and a week we greatly anticipate.  This year we…

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Navigating Motherhood Together: Creating a Community of Support

Don’t Mom Alone, Mom Together I’m not the first to say it, but some of us need to hear it again – Don’t mom alone, mom together. There I was, six weeks post-partum, with my precious newborn asleep in the bassinet next to me, and I couldn’t stop my tears. I had this overwhelming sense of…

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How College Students Can Continue In Their Faith Over The Summer

Living out your Christian faith in college is already difficult enough, but it can be even more difficult to do this over the summer. Often times when college students go home over the summer it can be hard for them to find the same community, they had at college back at home. This makes it…

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Making The Most of Their Last Summer

Your child’s senior year overflows with lasts: the last football game, the last curtain call, the last dance, the last awards ceremony. Until finally… the last day of school. If you’re anything like me, those lasts swell with bittersweet tension. Pride in all the ways your child has grown and flourished, an aching sadness for…

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