Blog Posts By

Connor Torrealba

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5 Tips on Finding a Church In College

By Connor Torrealba | July 17, 2024

Whether you’re off to college for your first semester this fall or returning, finding a church can be a challenge. If you grew up going to one or two churches, odds are you weren’t the one making the primary decision on where you were going. Now that the decision is in your hands, what do…

Telling the Story – Fall 2022

By Connor Torrealba | December 21, 2022

There’s something powerful that happens in our lives when we talk about the good things God has done and is doing. This last Sunday, the college Bible study discussed the impact of sharing stories of God working in our lives. What we learned was that the victory of Jesus in our lives can sow seeds…

Hand Made Disciples

By Connor Torrealba | October 17, 2022
Hand Made Disciples

What does it mean to be a disciple maker? What images come to your mind with that phrase? Maybe you think of a pastor, minister, or mentor. Maybe you have an image of Jesus, Paul, Peter, or someone else walking with a group of people behind them. Maybe you think of being a bible study…

Start Now

By Connor Torrealba | October 12, 2022
Start Now

If you ever wonder when to start doing what God wants: start now. UTA Parking can be tricky. If you haven’t delved into the depths of it, there are seemingly endless parking lots that all look the same, but have various rules attached. Even as a student, it often confused me. That familiar confusion hit…

Listen To God

By Connor Torrealba | September 29, 2022
Listen To God

Listen to God…it’s critical. It was the summer of 2010 when I felt the Holy Spirit reveal to me the call of God on my life. In that moment, it was as if Jesus was looking me dead in the eyes and asking me, “I died for you, will you live for me?” My answer…