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Navigating Motherhood Together: Creating a Community of Support

By Kasey Fagan | June 9, 2024

Don’t Mom Alone, Mom Together I’m not the first to say it, but some of us need to hear it again – Don’t mom alone, mom together. There I was, six weeks post-partum, with my precious newborn asleep in the bassinet next to me, and I couldn’t stop my tears. I had this overwhelming sense of…

How to Sabbath With My Family

By Ryan Chandler | February 5, 2024

According to the Bible, taking a Sabbath is not a suggestion – it’s a commandment. In fact, it’s one of the Ten Commandments. It’s so important that God elaborates more on this command than any of the others. In case you’re a little rusty on Sabbath law, here it is again: 8 “Remember the Sabbath…

Worship 817: Starting January 23

By Ryan Chandler | December 28, 2023

Welcome to Worship 817, a new ministry reaching out to young adults in the 817. We want to use this ministry to help emerging adults connect with each other, the church, and Jesus. The format for this ministry will consist of a monthly night of music and message, starting January 23 at 7:00 PM in…

Breaking Busyness

By Ryan Chandler | November 28, 2023

Holidays = Holy-Days? Are you offended when someone says, “Happy Holidays,” instead of, “Merry Christmas”? Don’t be. The word “holiday” actually comes from the Old English word hāligdæg, which literally means holy-day. Instead, say, “Thank you!” Then ask them why this time of year is holy to them? That should throw them off! Then tell…

Am I a Young Adult?

By Ryan Chandler | October 25, 2023

“So, you’re our new Young Adult Minister? Neat. What age range is that?” That’s a good snapshot of many conversations I’ve had over the past few months. I have discussed this so often that I spent an entire afternoon with a whiteboard trying to sketch out what a “young adult” is in our church. I’d…

Out of the Blocks

By Ryan Chandler | September 26, 2023

I’m not a runner. If you’ve met me before, you probably could have guessed that. But that doesn’t mean I’ve never run in a race before. In high school, I found myself on the track and field team. In truth, I spent substantially more time on the field than on the track. There was one…

It’s just too much.

By Remey Terrell | October 5, 2022
It's just too much

If I’m being honest, the last several months have held some of the hardest days for myself and my little family. Days filled with grief and loss and sickness and parenting and ministry and work and the world around us and all the things. There have been days where I’ve said out loud or sent…