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Teaching Your Preschooler The Bible

By Tiffany Ward | July 16, 2024

It’s summer time, and that means VBS and summer camps galore for families here in Texas!  In fact, we just wrapped up the sweetest and most amazing week here at FBCA called Kinder Bible School.  It is a week we plan for most of the year, and a week we greatly anticipate.  This year we…

Why does communication with my child matter?

By Tiffany Ward | April 12, 2024

Question: Why does communication with my child matter?   Answer: Communication with your child matters because your child matters.  Communication is a foundational stone of your relationship.    It takes practice and consistency that will build a strong relationship, and communication with them in the early years that only deepens as they age.  This strong…

Should I Bring My Child To Church?

By Kasey Fagan | March 20, 2024

Many parents struggle with this question today: “Should I bring my child to church?” The simple answer is absolutely. But did you expect any different answer from a minister? I’ve been the Preschool Minister at First Baptist Church in Arlington for a little over nine months now, but I’ve worked in preschool ministry for over…

Words of Affirmations for Your Child

By Preschool Ministry | February 23, 2023

Many of you may have read about Five Love Languages to find your spouses, or your own love language. Children also speak and receive love in these specific languages. Your children will need all the love languages at different stages in their development, even different day to day.  Here are five ways to fill your…

Winter Challenge – A new family rhythm

By Preschool Ministry | January 17, 2023

Welcome to the new year! Do you make new year’s resolutions, set goals, or begin new habits? As a Winter Challenge to our Preschool Families, we want to encourage you to set a new family rhythm. Here are some steps of encouragement as you begin. Step 1: Tell someone – saying it aloud to someone…

“Lots” of Christmas

By Preschool Ministry | December 21, 2022

The Christmas Season is here! You may be home from work, your children are out of school or childcare, you are gearing up for some travel, or preparing to host guests in your home. In my home, we are watching our favorite Christmas movies, getting ready to make our favorite Christmas snacks, and making a…

Blessed People Bless People

By Nanette Johnson | December 20, 2022

As we bring 2022 to a close, I also bring my time of ministry at First Baptist Arlington to a close. The year 2023 will bring new opportunities and blessings for each of us. This end-of-the-year season provides a natural time to reflect on our many blessings. It feels fitting for me to share a…

Gift Giving

By Nanette Johnson | December 1, 2022
Gift Giving

We spend a lot of time during the Christmas Season thinking about gifts and gift giving. Giving just the right gift takes thought. How well you know the person greatly informs the choosing process. And then your personality colors the way you choose as well. Depending on your personality, some people may find gift-giving stressful…

Traditions are Important

By Nanette Johnson | November 17, 2022
Traditions are Important

When I think back to my childhood years, there were some things that I feel have just always been. God, His love, and The Bible are obvious. But there is one more you may have missed as an “always has been” and that would be Musicals, of course! I grew up with musicals like: Fiddler…

Attitude of Gratitude

By Preschool Ministry | November 10, 2022
Attitude of Gratitude

How do you help your child develop an attitude of gratitude? In our world today, I feel like that is getting harder and harder to do. A recent post on the Parent Cue Instagram states that “Gratitude isn’t an inherent emotion. Gratitude is learned.” They offered four ways to model gratitude to our children: 1.…