Blog Posts By

Brad Echols

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Is Following Jesus Even Possible?

By Brad Echols | April 19, 2024

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Ask a kid this question, sit back, and enjoy a series of exciting responses. This question is fun because kids have great imaginations and are hardly limited by the realities of the world. In the Echols’s home, our nine-year-old, Henry, wants to be the CEO…

Courage of Silence

By Brad Echols | March 13, 2024

Is The Volume Up? Do you feel like you live in a world where the volume has been turned up and life is filled with more noise than ever before? Do you sometimes wish for just a little peace and quiet?  It seems our world has gotten louder and filled with more voices as social…

Coaching Them Up

By Brad Echols | October 19, 2022
Coaching Them Up

I was born in a small town to parents who were teenagers, teenagers that were still trying to figure life out. My parents’ story about how they grew in their faith and established a family that loved Jesus both challenged and encouraged me to live like Jesus.  Living in this small town with my little…

Washed, Sanctified, Justified.

By Brad Echols | September 18, 2022

Washed, Sanctified, Justified. What do these words mean to you? Paul uses them in 1 Corinthians 6:11 to paint a powerful picture of someone who has been transformed in the name of Jesus by the Spirit of God. We have been washed clean from our sin by the mercy of God. Our lives are no…